Muzikinės natos $16.99
Priscilla, Queen of the Desert - The Musical. Various. Voice sheet music. Piano, Vocal sheet music.Vertimas
Priscilla, Queen of the Desert - Muzikinis. Įvairus. Balso natos. Fortepijonas, vokalas natos.Originalus
Priscilla, Queen of the Desert - The Musical composed by Various. For Piano. Vocal. Vocal Selections. Softcover. 114 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.313591. ISBN 1458414523. 9x12 inches. Adapted from Stephan Elliott's 1994 cult-classic film The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert , the Tony-winning musical is a comedy of errors involving two drag queens and a transsexual trekking through the remote Australian desert to a drag show in small resort town. Our songbook features 19 well-known pop songs from the score. Don't Leave Me This Way. Girls Just Want to Have Fun. Go West. Hot Stuff. I Love the Night Life. I Say a Little Prayer. I Will Survive. It's Raining Men. Like a Prayer. MacArthur Park. Material Girl. Shake Your Groove Thing. True Colors. We Belong. What's Love Got to Do with It. and more. Go West. Always on My Mind. I Will Survive. Pop Muzik. Color My World. Don't Leave Me This Way. A Fine Romance. Girls Just Want To Have Fun. Hot Stuff. I Love The Night Life. I Say A Little Prayer. It's Raining Men. Like a Prayer. Macarthur Park. Material Girl. Shake Your Groove Thing. True Colors. What's Love Got To Do With It. We Belong.Vertimas
Priscilla, Queen of the Desert - Muzikos sudarytas iš Įvairūs. Fortepijonui. Vokalas. Vokaliniai. Softcover. 114 puslapiai. Paskelbta Hal Leonard. HL.313591. ISBN 1458414523. 9x12 cm. Adaptuota iš Stephan Elliott anketa 1994 kultas klasika filmas apie Priscilla, Queen of the Desert Nuotykiai, Tony pelnęs muzikos yra klaidų, susijusių su dviem transvestitai komedija ir transseksualų kelionėse per nuotolinio Australijos dykumoje pasipriešinimo parodoje mažas kurortinis miestelis. Mūsų dainynėlis yra 19 gerai žinomų pop dainas iš komandos. Nepalik manęs This Way. Merginos Just Wanna Have Fun. Mirti. Hot Stuff. I Love Night Life. I Say a Little Prayer. I Will Survive. Lyja Vyrai. Kaip malda. MacArthur Park. Material Girl. Shake Your Groove Thing. True Colors. We Belong. Kas Meilė turiu daryti su juo. ir daugiau. Mirti. Always On My Mind. I Will Survive. Pop Muzik. Spalva My World. Nepalik manęs This Way. Bauda Romantika. Merginos tiesiog nori smagiai. Hot Stuff. I Love The Night Life. I Say A Little Prayer. Lyja Vyrai. Kaip malda. MacArthur Park. Material Girl. Shake Your Groove Thing. True Colors. Kas Meilė Got To Do With It. We Belong.Populiarios užklausos
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