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Love Songs. Various. C Instrument sheet music. Piano sheet music. Beginning.


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Love Songs by Various. For C Instruments. Hal Leonard Paperback Songs. Love. Difficulty. easy-medium. Fakebook. Vocal melody, lyrics, chord names and guitar chord chart. 255 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.240150. ISBN 0634012274. With vocal melody, lyrics, chord names and guitar chord chart. Love. 4.2x6.7 inches. A handy collection of 74 songs of love and romance, including. All I Ask of You. Always. Beautiful in My Eyes. Can't Help Falling in Love. Endless Love. Grow Old with Me. I Finally Found Someone. My Heart Will Go On. Ribbon in the Sky. True Love. Unchained Melody. Valentine. When I Fall in Love. A Whole New World. You Were Meant for Me. You'll Be in My Heart. and more. Includes melody lines, chords and lyrics, plus a section of guitar chords diagrams. These perfectly portable paperbacks include the melodies, lyrics, and chord symbols for your favorite songs, all in a convenient, pocket-sized book. Using concise, one-line music notation, anyone from hobbyists to professionals can strum on the guitar, play melodies on the piano, or sing the lyrics to great songs. Books also include a helpful guitar chord chart. All books are 4-1. 8" x 6-3. 4". Precious And Few. Can you feel the love tonight. You Mean the World to Me. Beautiful In My Eyes. The Colour Of My Love. I'll Make Love To You. The Sweetest Days. The Keeper Of The Stars. Remember Me This Way. I Will Remember You. All I Ask Of You. Change the World. I Believe In You and Me. Easy. To Love You More. I Finally Found Someone. Valentine. You Were Meant For Me. It's Your Love. My Heart Will Go On. Love Theme From 'Titanic'. I Want To Spend My Lifetime Loving You. Always. Always on My Mind. You'll Be In My Heart. Pop Version. If You Had My Love. And I Love Her. And So It Goes. Annie's Song. Beauty And The Beast. Can't Help Falling in Love. Cherish. They Long To Be. Close To You. Don't Know Much. Endless Love. Ev'ry Time We Say Goodbye. The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face. A Groovy Kind Of Love. Grow Old With Me. Here And Now. Here, There And Everywhere. How Deep Is The Ocean. How High Is The Sky. I Left My Heart In San Francisco. I Say A Little Prayer. I Will. I'll Be There. If. If Ever I Would Leave You. If I Loved You. In My Life. Isn't It Romantic. Love Me Tender. Love Of A Lifetime. Love Takes Time. My Funny Valentine. You Make Me Feel Like. A Natural Woman. Nobody Loves Me Like You Do. Ribbon In The Sky. Save The Best For Last. Some Enchanted Evening. Someone Like You. Something. Sometimes When We Touch. Three Times A Lady. A Time For Us. Love Theme. True Love. Unchained Melody. Up Where We Belong. When I Fall in Love. When You Say Nothing At All. A Whole New World. Will You Love Me Tomorrow. Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow. You Needed Me. You've Got A Friend. I Will Be Here.


Love Songs įvairių. Dėl C instrumentai. Hal Leonard Paperback dainos. Meilė. Sunkumas. lengva ir vidutinio. Fakebook. Vokalinis melodija, žodžiai, akordų pavadinimus ir gitaros styga diagrama. 255 puslapiai. Paskelbta Hal Leonard. HL.240150. ISBN 0634012274. Su vokalo melodiją, dainos, akordų pavadinimus ir gitaros stygos diagramos. Meilė. 4.2x6.7 cm. Patogu kolekcija 74 dainų meilės ir romantikos, įskaitant. Viskas, ką aš paklausiu jus. Visada. Graži mano akyse. Negali padėti Falling in Love. Endless Love. Senti mane. Aš pagaliau rado žmogų. My Heart Will Go On. Juostelės in the Sky. Tikroji meilė. Unchained Melody. Valentino. Kai aš įsimylėti. Whole New World. You Were Meaning mane. Jūs būsite mano širdyje. ir daugiau. Apima melodiją linijas, akordai ir tekstai, plius gitaros akordai diagramas skyrių. Šie puikiai nešiojamų paperbacks apima melodijos, tekstai, ir styga simbolius savo mėgstamas dainas, viskas patogu, kišeninė knyga. Naudojant trumpas, vienos eilutės muzikos notacijos, kiekvienas iš mėgėjų į profesionalų gali barškinti gitara, groti melodijas pianinu ar dainuoti dainų į didelį dainų. Knygos taip pat naudinga Guitar Chord diagrama. Visos knygos yra 4-1. 8 x 6-3. 4 ". Brangieji ir tik nedaugelis. Ar manote, meilės vakarą. You Mean pasaulis man. Graži mano akyse. Spalva Of My Love. Aš padarysiu jus mylime. The Sweetest Days. Keeper Of The Stars. Atsiminti mane This Way. I Will Remember You. Viskas, ką aš paklausiu jus. Pakeisti pasaulį. I Believe In You and Me. Lengvas. To Love You More. Aš pagaliau rado žmogų. Valentino. Jūs buvo skirta man. Tai Your Love. My Heart Will Go On. Meilė Theme From "Titanikas". Aš noriu praleisti visą savo gyvenimą Loving You. Visada. Always On My Mind. Jūs būsite mano širdyje. Pop Versija. Jei turėjo My Love. Ir I Love Her. Ir taip eina. Annie daina. Gražuolė ir pabaisa. Negali padėti Falling in Love. Puoselėti. Jie ilgai būti. Uždaryti To You. Nežinau daug. Endless Love. Ev'ry metu mes atsisveikinti. Pirmą kartą aš pamačiau savo veidą. Groovy Kind Of Love. Grow Old With Me. Čia ir dabar. Čia, ten ir visur. Kaip giliai yra vandenynas. Kaip didelis yra dangus. Aš palikau savo širdį San Franciske. I Say A Little Prayer. Aš. Aš būsiu ten. Jei. Jei kada nors paliksiu Jus. Jei aš jus mylėjau. Mano gyvenimas. Ar ne romantiška. Love Me Tender. Meilė Of A Lifetime. Meilė reikia laiko. My Funny Valentine. You Make Me Feel Like. Gamtos Moteris. Niekas mane myli, kaip tai darote. Juostelės In The Sky. Išsaugokite geriausias Paskutinis. Kai Enchanted Vakaras. Someone Like You. Kažkas. Kartais, kai mes Touch. Tris kartus Lady. Laikas mus. Meilės tema. Tikroji meilė. Unchained Melody. Iki Kur We Belong. Kai aš įsimylėti. Kai sakote visai nieko. Whole New World. Ar tu mane myli Rytoj. Ar jūs vis dar mane myli Rytoj. Jūs Reikalingas mane. Jūs Got draugui. I Will Be Here.
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