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Easy Pop Melodies - 2nd Edition. Various. Electric Guitar sheet music.


Lengvas Pop melodijos - 2-asis leidimas. Įvairus. Elektrinė gitara natos.


Easy Pop Melodies - 2nd Edition. Book. By Various. For Guitar. Guitar Method. 32 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.697281. ISBN 0793573858. 9x12 inches. Play your favorite hits from The Beatles, Elton John, Elvis Presley, The Police, Nirvana and more. The 20 songs in this book are presented in order of difficulty. All My Loving. Can You Feel the Love Tonight. Dust in the Wind. Every Breath You Take. I Get Around. I Shot the Sheriff. I Walk the Line. Imagine. Let It Be. Love Me Tender. Maggie May. My Cherie Amour. My Girl. My Heart Will Go On. Nowhere Man. Smells like Teen Spirit. Stand by Me. Walk Don't Run. We Will Rock You. Your Cheatin' Heart. The world-famous Hal Leonard Guitar Method is preferred by teachers because it makes them more effective while making their job easier. Students enjoy its easy-to-follow format that gives them a solid music education while letting them play songs right away. The Hal Leonard Guitar Method provides a complete system to playing success which includes three levels of instruction and a myriad of play-along supplemental songbooks that let students play great songs while they're still learning to play. All My Loving. Every Breath You Take. Let It Be. Love Me Tender. Maggie May. Nowhere Man. Can you feel the love tonight. Stand By Me. My Heart Will Go On. Love Theme From 'Titanic'. Dust In The Wind. I Shot The Sheriff. My Cherie Amour. My Girl. Smells Like Teen Spirit. Walk Don't Run. We Will Rock You. Imagine. I Get Around. I Walk The Line. Your Cheatin' Heart.


Lengvas Pop melodijos - 2-asis leidimas. Knyga. Iki Įvairūs. Gitarai. Gitara metodas. 32 puslapiai. Paskelbta Hal Leonard. HL.697281. ISBN 0793573858. 9x12 cm. Žaisti savo mėgstamą hitai iš "The Beatles", Elton John, Elvis Presley, policijos, Nirvana ir daugiau. 20 dainos šioje knygoje pateikiami kad sunkumų. Visi Mano Loving. Can You Feel The Love Tonight. Dulkės vėjyje. Kiekvienas Breath You Take. I Get Around. Aš Shot šerifas. Aš Walk the Line. Įsivaizduoti. Tebūnie. Love Me Tender. Maggie May. Mano Cherie Amour ". My Girl. My Heart Will Go On. Niekur žmogus. Smells Like Teen Spirit. Stand By Me. Pasivaikščiojimas Negalima paleisti. We Will Rock You. Jūsų Cheatin "Širdies. Pasaulyje garsaus Hal Leonard Guitar metodas pirmenybę teikia mokytojams, nes ji leidžia jiems padidinti jų veiksmingumą, kad jų darbas būtų lengvesnis. Studentai naudojasi jos lengvai sekti formatą, kuris suteikia jiems tvirtą muzikos išsilavinimą, o leisti jiems žaisti dainas iš karto. Hal Leonard Guitar metodas suteikia visą sistemą, žaisti sėkmę, kuri apima tris lygmenis instruktavimo ir iš play-išilgai papildomo giesmynus, kurios leidžia studentams atlikti daug dainų daugybė, o jie dar tik mokosi žaisti. Visi Mano Loving. Kiekvienas Breath You Take. Tebūnie. Love Me Tender. Maggie May. Niekur žmogus. Ar manote, meilės vakarą. Stand By Me. My Heart Will Go On. Meilė Theme From "Titanikas". Dulkes Vėjas. Aš Shot The Sheriff. Mano Cherie Amour ". My Girl. Smells Like Teen Spirit. Pasivaikščiojimas Negalima paleisti. We Will Rock You. Įsivaizduoti. I Get Around. Aš Walk The Line. Jūsų Cheatin "Širdies.
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