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Rock Ballads, Volume 1. Guitar Tablature sheet music.


Roko baladės ", 1 tomas. Gitara tabulatūros natos.


Rock Ballads, Volume 1. Guitar TAB. For Guitar. Book. Guitar Mixed Folio. Guitar TAB. Rock. 144 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.40533. ISBN 0739093754. Rock. This book contains 26 of the greatest rock ballads ever committed to record, in notation and guitar TAB. Included are hits by Aerosmith, Bob Dylan, Journey, The Rolling Stones, Guns N' Roses, and more. Titles. Breathe. Pink Floyd. Broken. Seether feat. Amy Lee. Europa. Earth's Cry Heaven's Smile. Santana. Faithfully. Journey. Fountain of Sorrow. Jackson Browne. The Game of Love. Santana feat. Michelle Branch. Handy Man. James Taylor. Higher. Creed. I Don't Want to Miss a Thing. Aerosmith. If You Leave Me Now. Chicago. Kiss from a Rose. Seal. Knockin' on Heaven's Door. Bob Dylan. The Load-Out. Jackson Browne. Marry Me. Train. My Immortal. Evanescence. Nights in White Satin. The Moody Blues. One Thing. Finger Eleven. Only the Lonely. The Motels. Open Arms. Journey. Patience. Guns N' Roses. Stairway to Heaven. Led Zeppelin. Thank You. Led Zeppelin. When I See You Smile. Bad English. A Whiter Shade of Pale. Procol Harum. Wild Horses. The Rolling Stones. With Arms Wide Open. Creed. Breathe. Broken. Europa. Earth's Cry Heaven's Smile. Faithfully. Fountain Of Sorrow. The Game of Love. Handy Man. Higher. I Don't Want To Miss A Thing. If You Leave Me Now. Kiss From A Rose. Knockin' on Heaven's Door. The Load-Out. Marry Me. My Immortal. Nights In White Satin. One Thing. Only The Lonely. Open Arms. Patience. Stairway To Heaven. Thank You. When I See You Smile. A Whiter Shade of Pale. Wild Horses. With Arms Wide Open.


Roko baladės ", 1 tomas. Guitar Tab. Gitarai. Knyga. Gitara Mišrus Folio. Guitar Tab. Rokas. 144 puslapiai. Paskelbta Alfredas Muzika. AP.40533. ISBN 0739093754. Rokas. This book contains 26 of the greatest rock ballads ever committed to record, in notation and guitar TAB. Included are hits by Aerosmith, Bob Dylan, Journey, The Rolling Stones, Guns N' Roses, and more. Pavadinimai. Kvėpuoti. "Pink Floyd". Broken. Seether feat. Amy Lee. Europa. Žemės šauksmas Dangaus šypsena. Santana. Ištikimai. Kelionė. Fontanas Liūdesio. Jackson Browne. Meilės žaidimai. Santana feat. Michelle Branch. Handy Žmogus. James Taylor. Aukštesnis. Credo. Aš nenoriu Miss a Thing. "Aerosmith". Jei Leave Me Now. Čikagoje. Bučinys nuo Rose. Antspaudas. Knockin 'on Heaven durys. Bob Dylan. Apkrovos Išėjo. Jackson Browne. Marry Me. Traukinys. Mano Immortal. Išnykimas. Naktys White Satin. The Moody Blues. Vienas dalykas,. Finger Eleven. Tik vienišas. Į Moteliai. Open Arms. Kelionė. Kantrybė. Guns N 'Roses. Stairway to Heaven. "Led Zeppelin". Ačiū. "Led Zeppelin". Kai aš See You Smile. Blogas Lietuvių. Baltesni Šešėlis Palo. Procol Harum. Laukiniai arkliai. "The Rolling Stones". Su ginklais Wide Open. Credo. Kvėpuoti. Broken. Europa. Žemės šauksmas Dangaus šypsena. Ištikimai. Fontanas Sorrow. Meilės žaidimai. Handy Žmogus. Aukštesnis. Nenoriu praleisti dalykas. Jei Leave Me Now. Kiss from a Rose. Knockin 'on Heaven durys. Apkrovos Išėjo. Marry Me. Mano Immortal. Naktų White Satin. Vienas dalykas,. Tik vienišas. Open Arms. Kantrybė. Stairway to Heaven. Ačiū. Kai aš See You Smile. Baltesni Šešėlis Palo. Laukiniai arkliai. Su ginklais Wide Open.
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