Muzikinės natos $2.95
City Sonatina. Keith Snell. Piano Method sheet music. Piano Solo sheet music. Beginning.Vertimas
City Sonatina. Keithas Snell. Pianinas metodas natos. Pianinas Pavieniai natos. Pradžia.Originalus
City Sonatina composed by Keith Snell. For piano. Piano Town Series. Level 1. Sheet music. Published by Neil A. Kjos Music Company. KJ.MP1015. What a great way to introduce young students to sonata form. The different sections are clearly marked. Exposition, Development, Recapitulation, and Coda. , as are the occurrences of the First and Second Themes. The mixed articulations provide a fun way to practice voicing melodies over harmonic 2nds and 3rds. The perfect place to learn to play the piano. Piano Town is the perfect place to learn to play the piano. A Multi-Key method with an intervallic concentration and a Middle C start, Piano Town combines the best of pedagogy to date with innovative new ideas. Students will love the contemporary feel as they discover the musical wonders of Piano Town. Teachers will love the success of its interactive discovery learning approach.Vertimas
City Sonatina composed by Keith Snell. Fortepijonui. Pianinas Miestas serija. 1 lygis. Natos. Paskelbta Neil A. Kjos muzikos kompanija. KJ.MP1015. What a great way to introduce young students to sonata form. The different sections are clearly marked. Exposition, Development, Recapitulation, and Coda. , as are the occurrences of the First and Second Themes. The mixed articulations provide a fun way to practice voicing melodies over harmonic 2nds and 3rds. Puiki vieta mokytis groti pianinu. Pianinas Town yra puiki vieta mokytis groti pianinu. Kelių raktų metodas su intervallic koncentracijos ir Artimųjų C pradžios Piano Miestas sujungia geriausias pedagogikos iki šiol su naujoviškų naujų idėjų. Studentai bus meilė šiuolaikinio jaustis kaip jie sužino, muzikos stebuklus Piano Miestas. Mokytojai bus meilė savo interaktyvus atradimas mokymosi metodo sėkmę.Populiarios užklausos