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Et Fiat Lux.


Et Fiat Lux.


Et Fiat Lux composed by Cristiano Melli. For String Orchestra. Conductor Score. 42 pages. Duration 13'. Published by Periferia Music - Digital. PQ.M-69216-523-1. In 1997, I had the opportunity to be in the Sistine Chapel, in Rome. When composing this work for string orchestra, I had in mind, from the very first draft, all the magnitude of Michelangelo's masterpiece. the colors, the figures, the perspectives, the movements and illusions of that work. Those images could be transposed, for me, using mainly the open strings, and moving its sounds complex in the space of the orchestra. And Michelangelo created a world, colors, emotions, beauty - all those lights, which He created. Cristiano Melli. Digital Print is printable sheet music available anytime, anywhere. Just purchase, print and play. View your online sheet music at home, school, work or anywhere you have a computer connected to the Internet. Use our iPad app to view your digital sheet music on the go. With Digital Print, you can print your digital sheet music immediately after purchase, or wait until its convenient. And our software installation is easy - we'll guide you through the simple steps to make sure you have Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR and the Sheet Music Plus AIR application.


Et Fiat Lux composed by Cristiano Melli. Styginių orkestras. Dirigentas Taškai. 42 puslapiai. Trukmė 13 '. Paskelbta periferia Muzika - Digital. PQ.M-69216-523-1. In 1997, I had the opportunity to be in the Sistine Chapel, in Rome. When composing this work for string orchestra, I had in mind, from the very first draft, all the magnitude of Michelangelo's masterpiece. the colors, the figures, the perspectives, the movements and illusions of that work. Those images could be transposed, for me, using mainly the open strings, and moving its sounds complex in the space of the orchestra. And Michelangelo created a world, colors, emotions, beauty - all those lights, which He created. Cristiano Melli. Skaitmeninė Print spausdinimui natos galima bet kada, bet kur. Tiesiog pirkimas, spausdinti ir žaisti. Peržiūrėti savo interneto natos namuose, mokykloje, darbe ar bet kur jūs turite kompiuterį, prijungtą prie interneto. Naudokite mūsų iPad app, kad galėtumėte peržiūrėti savo skaitmeninės muzikos natų kelyje. Skaitmeniniai Spausdinti, galite spausdinti savo skaitmeninių natos iš karto po pirkimo, arba laukti, kol jos patogu. Ir mūsų programinės įrangos diegimas yra paprastas - mes padėsime jums per paprasti žingsniai į įsitikinkite, kad turite Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR ir natos Plius purškiant iš lėktuvo.