Vertimas: 4ft Fingers. Vadovas Held High.
Vertimas: 4ft Fingers. Tuščiaviduriai žodžiai.
Vertimas: 4ft Fingers. 40 metų Misery.
Vertimas: 4ft Fingers. Airijos Akys.
Vertimas: 4ft Fingers. Stendas My Ground.
Vertimas: 4ft Fingers. Vienas už visus ir visi už mane.
Vertimas: 4ft Fingers. Šalia.
Vertimas: 4ft Fingers. Nebėra Bet neužmiršau.
Vertimas: 4ft Fingers. Unite ar kritimas.
Vertimas: 4ft Fingers. Atgal Universalas Vėlgi.
Vertimas: 4ft Fingers. Tiktai laikas parodys.
Vertimas: 4ft Fingers. Gyvenime mes pasirinkti gyventi.
If you want me come and get me running from reflections of me in you i sometimes think that you're from a u.f.o but when it gets here let me know If
Something just a while ago told me I should go Never thought it would have come to this Didn't see his fist, must've missed Drinkin' all night well that
Killing time with you is nothing new Listen to you dribble on without a fucking clue All my friends are away So I'll hang with you just for today I'
hopeless romantic sorry for wasting your time I'm just a hopeless romantic sorry for wasting your time sorry for wasting your time [x2] hep... etc sorry for wasting your time [x4
I don't know what I've been told I was shoved into this fucked up world can you help me out then I'll tell you chats it all about I'm stood out here
Did you ever have something that you wanted to say never had the guts to speak your mind and have it any other way I don't know I was told and this is