his mother cried as he walked out Don't take your guns to town, son Leave your guns at home, Bill Don't take your guns to town He laughed and kissed
[Lyrics Removed]
Vertimas: Johnny Cash. Nevartokite Jūsų ginklai Miestas.
: [Lyrics Removed]
mother cried as he walked out "Don't take your guns to town. Son, leave your guns at home. Bill, don't take your guns to town." He laughed and kissed
Who want a war? Nigga I'm right here Get mind right, your money light Don't make me come out there Snatch your whore and get it done right there Little niggas ain't
Johnny Cash I said hello... hello, I'm Johnny Cash I said hello... hello, I'm Johnny Cash what's your name? I'm Johnny Cash no you ain't yes I am what