Daniel, Daniel and the sacred harp, dancing through the clover Daniel, Daniel would you mind, if I look it over I heard of this famous harp years ago
[Foreign Content] Which means don't let the [Incomprehensible] grand you down They said, "Don't you think it's mighty strong language To be used in, right
This ain't no rag, it's a flag And we don't wear it on our heads It's a symbol of the land where the good guys live Are you listening to what I said
Living hard was easy when I was young and bullet proof I had no change to bind me, just a guitar and a roof Emptied every bottle, when I poured I never
Cledus went down to Florida, he was lookin' for a car to steal He was in a bind, ten payments behind, so the bank reposed his wheels When he came across
Full moon rising cross the blue ridge mountains It's just now starting to shine It's about time. Yes, it's about time Time to call up my baby and tell
They got a dance floor the size of Texas They got a band seven nights a week And if you don't show up before the sun goes down You ain't gonna find a
C'est un voyou C'est un voyou C'est un voyou C'est un voyou Je marche dans la rue je suis inconnu J'ai rien fait, pas vole Pas menti, j'ai rien
pantalons de iz tachete Un coup Je leur dissocie le psycho du soma en clair Et ils defrisent le coma So check it, check it out D-E-F L'autre **** de
pool b is for billy who was eaten by ghouls c is for curt with disease of the brain d is for daniel derailed on a train e is for eric who was buried
Vertimas: Grupės. Daniel ir Šventojo arfa.
Vertimas: Charlie Daniels Band. Tai apie laiką.
Vertimas: Charlie Daniels Band. Little Joe ir Big Bill.
Vertimas: Charlie Daniels Band. Popiežiaus ir Dope.
Vertimas: Garso takeliai. Humuhumunukunukua'pua'a - Danielle Boltonas ir Ryan Evans.
Vertimas: Soundtracks (kitos dainos) Soundtrack. Mamy (Danielle Darrieux) nėra meilės ir laimės.
Vertimas: Million Dollar Hotel "garso takelį. Krintantys prie tavo kojų [Bono ir Daniel Lanois].