Vertimas: F-Minus. Wake Up Screaming.
Enlisting the ranks of of unskilled labor Cheap to employ and easy to sever As disposible as today Give us your guys - we'll give you relief Give us
Too many people to please That won't amount to shit And reasons for controversy and reasons to avoid it With nothing to offer And nothing to teach They
To the blinded you're quite the vision You're just a creation You're just another version Another way for them to Use a front for a problem Your pain
I can see - the beginning of the end In your sad eyes - lies the doorway to revenge Not really living - you can only hope To find solace - at the end
You have a choice You think it up to you They're in your mind making choices for you They tell you what you want to hear Before there's time to see the
wrong. [Chorus] Lost sight of the reasons. Got lost in the crowd. You're already knee deep in the shit. That they're swimming in. By the time you've given up
Can't feel the pills no more Put my arm through the fucking window Brought it to the bone Another day gone, another wasted Let go of me... Gimme more
our own sanity Avoid looking into our hearts To ever think or really ever feel Together saying what's been said Bleeding every revolution Forever lying its wake
A uniform a labor force A transformation will take by storm It's invading a transformation That generates hatred You want the lion's share You're not
survival right to the end Losing your grip you can't pretend This is survival - staring you down This is survival lord of this slum Time to pay up nowhere
Pressures in life seems like work Like a job that will only get worse So we look back and never forward It's all better once its over So we'll search
for something to change Try to believe - you want to believe in their superstitions Try to believe - your want to believe In a token of your affliction You wake up
ashes to ashes, bodies to burn censeless and endless they never learn wake up screaming wake up screaming wake up screaming wake up screaming a bomb
Destruction is the name of the game Set your sights on everything Delusions - walls closing in Cross the line and back again Disorder - your life is
to ashes, bodies to burn censeless and endless they never learn wake up screaming wake up screaming wake up screaming wake up screaming a bomb the