Vertimas: FrYars. Ides.
Vertimas: FrYars. Madeline.
Vertimas: FrYars. Šokoladas.
Vertimas: FrYars. Laimingas.
Vertimas: FrYars. Polistireno.
Vertimas: FrYars. Box.
Vertimas: FrYars. Arklys ar žmogaus.
Alice and Ivy In fights with Police, There's a place round the corner I know They took a turn, And went the right way. And they came and they hid
Slowly they go, but there's fault lines for Madeline, on a journey from school but she looks like she may fly, more to this than a will to explore
I always said she was a runner, And running through the fields, I put a gun, I put a gun to her, With the force she came to kneel, And as she screams
We wage wars like Pascal waged wagers, and its on Pascal's wager we send sergeant majors to fight, it would be nice if we took his triangle, and we