towers The world we know, a torture-chamber Born as servants, exploited till death To their machines we're marching with Captain Ludd in mind The final march
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shall burn. "Of purest pandaemonium born..." Satan rise, thy time has come this night, we shall storm onwards, all chaos on our side. "And the universe shall
ride unto the heavens Now the once blue sky Shall burn in flames Watch the earth sink beneath untimely death under the sea No wind shall blow no water
the icy throne of God-King shall rule, When nine stars kiss the moon o'er Ultima Thule. (OLD NORTHLANDER WAR-SONG,FOUND IN THE ANCIENT SCROLLS OF VOLMYR) THE FINAL
a distant paradise This is the final levy From bleeding hands They will receive the final stroke From dying voices They will hear The curse we whisper While marching
Murdered and tortured the ones who spit upon the cross Crimson seas for the name of your lord Your time has come as we march into his kingdom Listen
[HEAVEN SHALL BURN] No one will shed a tear With frozen souls and darkened eyes We're marching to the point of no return No sorrow strong enough to tear
Koord:] General Vane, we begin the final siege of this campaign with the rising of the sun. The war which has raged for decades, shall finally be decided
and the winged horrors fell seared and burning from the enraged sky. But the twisted machinations of insidious Chaos had prepared for the King one final
the apocalypse Holocaust of this testament in perceived idea of doom The left hand of darkness shall bring this final redemption Conspiracy in the offerings shall