It's gonna be a hard hard leavin' (talk to me) Vox humana I wanta feel the power of speech Vox humana Sounds so right so real to me Vox humana You gotta
I haunted a basketmaker's shop. Spending days ripping pictures from magazines, taping them to the walls of my prison. I remember walking by the sand,
The critics sit back and burn the souls The classic dies they won't let go LBJ's lonely inked face on a set of presidential matchbooks On the wood of
Vertimas: Vox Humana ". Things I Love Norėdami paslėpti.
Vertimas: Vox Humana ". Seven Stars.
Vertimas: Vox Humana ". Pranašystė.
Vertimas: Vox Humana ". Nr Vienas.
Vertimas: Vox Humana ". Sutemos.
Vertimas: Vox Humana ". Tūkstantmečio.
Vertimas: Vox Humana ". Meilės ir neapykantos.
Vertimas: Vox Humana ". Humatic.
Vertimas: Vox Humana ". Bebaimis.
Vertimas: Vox Humana ". Fallen From Grace.
Vertimas: Vox Humana ". Dark Rose.
Vertimas: Vox Humana ". Albionas.
Vertimas: Loggins, Kenny. Vox Humana ".