Janitor of lunacy Paralyze my infancy Petrify the empty cradle Bring hope to them and me Janitor of tyranny Testify my vanity Mortalize my memory Deceive
Vertimas: Nico. Janitor of Lunacy.
: La tarantula. Janitor of lunacy Paralyze my infancy Petrify the empty cradle Bring hope to them and me Janitor of tyranny Testify my vanity Mortalize
: Janitor of lunacy Paralyze my infancy Petrify the empty cradle Bring hope to them and me Janitor of tyranny Testify my vanity Mortalize my memory
La tarantula. Janitor of lunacy Paralyze my infancy Petrify the empty cradle Bring hope to them and me Janitor of tyranny Testify my vanity Mortalize