that forms a marriage between concept and form. You might be beautiful, lets find out. Suck it down, suck it up, a throwat swallowing thousands to sing you
with the devil while you make your deal with Jesus, so let me milk your prostate with the unborn meat fingers Horrible your eyes implode with lucifers hammer so you
plasticwear the orchestra isn't craving our attention it sparks the active chords and the stage is set ablaze the conductor lights a cigarette we look
you really want to see a foundation of blood erupting from the neck trigger child see or be seen you are disposable I find you folded into a fetal position
the towns miles of perforated lines to stabalize just a couple more lives it's those tailgators that'll get you beaver Kill welvomes you it's exit 122
this is a rememberance dialogue...
pitying misfit experience coincidence quality menstruating it makes more sense to speak nonsense. What is it like to scatter organs all over a deeply pasteurized land Just like
sounds A sphere to determine my fate second twelve to triple up sit and wait all you can eat $13.95 the lounge act is really good tonight. Look into
it's worth. Drizzle that nipple run it till some sense leaks out. Class, you won't succeed in life. You boys will grow to rape and you girls will grow
When does this start? when does this end? someone is there whose never a friend how do you do how do I do how should I ask where are my shoes? What