Vertimas: 1970. Arčiau I Get To You. Do That To Me One More Time. Top of the World. Kūdikių, ı'm-Want You.
Vertimas: Lyrinis biblioteka. Juokas in the Rain. Arčiau I Get To You. Take A Look At Me Now. I Will Remember You.
Vertimas: Rise Up Dainavimas. Blowin 'In The Wind. Brennan On The Moor. Draugų Round the Sun. Comin 'Through The Rye.
Vertimas: Dainų žodžiai. Goodnight Irene. Ar aš Told You Pastaruoju metu. I Cant Stop Loving You. Dimming Of The Day.
Vertimas: Lyrikos knyga. Can You Feel The Love Tonight. Don't Fear the Reaper. Kiekvienas Breath You Take.
Vertimas: R. Arčiau I Get To You. You Mean pasaulis man. I Got The Feelin '. Galiu Love You Like That.
Vertimas: Rise Up Dainavimas - grupė Dainavimas Śpiewnik. Blowin 'In The Wind. Brennan On The Moor. Draugų Round the Sun.
Vertimas: Goodnight My Love, Pleasant Dreams. Ride The Wild Surf. Kokios Pasaulio Come Over You. Stuck On You.
Vertimas: Brodvėjaus Pianinas Baltoji puslapiai. Visi dalykai You Are. You Are Beautiful. Wish You Were Here.
Vertimas: Dienos Ukulele - Keliamieji metai Edition. Show Me The Way To Go Home. Top of the World. Beyond The Reef.
Vertimas: Dienos Ukulele - baritonas Edition. "The Herald Angels Sing. On The Beach At Waikiki. On The Road Again.
Vertimas: Nekilnojamasis Vokalinis knyga - IV tomas. Mack The Knife. Jie negali "Take That" Pasitrauk nuo manęs. If I Had You.
Vertimas: Nekilnojamasis Mažoji Geriausias Pranešk apie netikrą Užsakyti Ever - 3rd Edition "- C Edition. Joy to the World. The Hop.
Vertimas: Nekilnojamasis Knyga - V tomas. Aš Gauti Kick Out of You. Aš Loves You, Porgis. Mack The Knife. Dream Of You.
Vertimas: Nekilnojamasis Mažai Ultimate Pranešk apie netikrą knyga - 3rd Edition. Visi At Once You Love Her. Beyond The Blue Horizon.
Vertimas: Geriausia metų roko Pop netikrą Užsakyti. Blogas Byla Loving You. Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain. Arčiau I Get To You.
Vertimas: Havajų netikrą Užsakyti. Singin 'in the Rain. I Need You. On The Road Again. Wish You Were Here.